Intensive Workshops

The College Calm Workshop Series will be suspended for the 2023-2024 school year. We will not be offering the program for the class of 2025.

Collectively, the counselors at College Calm bring over 60 years of expertise to the college counseling process. We have experience as college admissions officers, college athletic coaches, service-learning specialists, mental health counselors, scholarship administrators, and immersion program leaders. We work with student profiles ranging from a 2.5 GPA to a 4.5 GPA and enjoy working with all kinds of teenagers. We take great pride in our ability to meet students where they are and helping families navigate through the process in a calm, efficient, and engaging manner. Over the last 12 years, we have honed and crafted the most effective and thoughtful way to move through all aspects of the college application process. 

College Workshops

Each College Calm Intensive Workshop is...


Workshops are $475 per workshop (10% discount if you purchase all six workshops).
All workshops are virtual but may have an in-person hybrid option Spring 2024.

Students who participate in a workshop will receive:

Students who sign up for all 6 workshops will receive:

Intensive Workshops

Workshop #1
College List Builder

$475 • Sunday, January 22nd, 9am-12:30pm

The foundation of the college application process rests on thoughtful college research. Students need to think about their priorities and determine how to evaluate colleges based on their specific criteria. We have fine-tuned many proprietary documents to help students efficiently identify their values and effectively research colleges.

Students will receive: ​

Workshop #2
Majors and Activities

$475 • Sunday, February 12th, 9am-12:30pm

Students need to be involved in high school to be competitive college applicants. In this workshop, we will help students capture their involvement and determine how their spring and summer activities can complement their applications. 

Students will receive: ​

Workshop #3

$475 • Sunday, March 26th, 9am-12:30pm

The UC Personal Insight Questions (PIQs) are the most comprehensive questions asked on college applications. Even if students do not plan to apply to the UC System, we have them brainstorm four PIQs so they are prepared to talk about four different aspects of themselves. These insight questions are the foundation for their personal essay and many supplemental essays.

Students will receive: ​

Workshop #4
Personal Statement

$475 • Tuesday, June 13th, 4pm-7:30pm
For students, the writing process is often the most overwhelming part of college applications. In our 60 years of combined college counseling experience, we have refined a process that helps students determine their topic and share their story. The workshop helps them think about what they want to say and how they want to convey it.

Students will receive: ​

Workshop #5
Supplements Essays

$475 • Sunday, July 23rd, 9am-12:30pm
Colleges ask supplemental essay questions to determine if you are a good fit for their school. The questions can range from “Why do you want to attend X college,” to “What are your academic goals,” to “Where are you in your fight for social justice.” We will help students develop content to tackle the most common supplemental essay topics.

Students will receive: ​

Workshop #6
The Applications

$475 • Monday, August 7th, 4pm-7:30pm or Sunday, August 13th, 9am-12:30pm
In a time when students and parents are feeling a great deal of digital fatigue, we will go step by step through the Common Application and the UC Application (students will choose one application per workshop). We will take students through common mistakes and ensure they consider how they want their information displayed on their first application.

Students will receive: ​


$2,560 for all SIX Intensive Workshops!

The sixth and final workshop, “The Applications” will be offered on two dates: August 7th or 13th.
Choose the package that best suits your schedule.