
Resources and information for college applicants.

All About Demonstrating Interest

You might have heard the term before, but do you actually know what it means? You know that it has something to do with the college application process, but just how important is it and how do you…do it? Luckily, College Calm can shed some

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12 Ways to Have a Meaningful Summer

1.) Get Involved in your Community 2.) Listen to Podcasts to investigate your academic interests 3.) Get a Job: Coffee shop, ice cream shops, boutiques, restaurants 4.) Participate in a Pre-College Summer Program to study something you are interested in or can’t study at school

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College Visits: What to do Before, During, and After

5 things to do BEFORE you visit Research the school and major options Check to see if the school is doing an on-campus interview Contact coaches, departments, professors or current students to meet while you are on campus Prepare a list of questions (choose from

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Preparing for your College Interview

Some colleges offer optional interviews to their prospective first-year students. Some interviews can be evaluative while others are just another way for the college to learn more about you and for you to learn more about the college. Either way, you should research your college

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How to Demonstrate Interest

In the world of the Common Application, demonstrating interest is showing colleges that you are truly interested in their institution and not just checking a box. Why do colleges care? Colleges are very interested in yield, or the number of students who are admitted that

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SAT/ACT To Send or Not to Send?

To Report or Not to Report? That is the question. As you prepare to send in your college applications, a major consideration is whether to report your test scores – SAT, ACT, AP and IB. While schools are transparent about their testing policies, it is

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Planning for a Fun and Meaningful Summer

We know it seems early to think about summer, but now is the time to get excited about ways you can explore your interests and apply to programs. Many applications are due at the end of February. Below is a list to get you started

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Summer Job Ideas- Now Hiring

If you are thinking you want a summer job, you need to start looking now. You will want to be in process in March/April if you plan to start in June. Getting a job requires you to be proactive. Check out your weekly counseling office

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How to Demonstrate Interest

In the world of the Common Application, demonstrating interest is showing colleges that you are truly interested in their institution and not just checking a box. Why do colleges care? Colleges are very interested in yield, or the number of students who are admitted that

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